This is the only photo I could find of me tending my booth, several years back. I'm wearing one of my sweater dresses. |
So, I went through a business transformation, re-branding, delving full force into mosaic, and enjoying and participating in the holiday season rather than desperately hawking my wares. But, I still like to set up for one or two events in November.
First, I'll be attending the Isis International Women Arts Festival for the first time. I am not sure what to expect, but it looks like there will be visual artists, speakers and performance all day at the Burke Museum on the final day of an exhibit of women artists. It is only one day, October 27th.
Here is the best link I can find for more information:
A favorite of mine is the POSSCA/Friends of the Library art show and sale. This year it is November 2nd & 3rd. Artists pay a commission and proceeds go to support a local arts organization (POSSCA) and the library system. I love that this fundraiser allows me to earn some sorely needed income while helping to support important organizations.
I don't know if you can read this poster. This is the only site I can find to link to: |
I do find that participation in events like these gets me out of the hermitage periodically, and I do enjoy the chance to see friends and talk to the public about my work. It helps me to feel like part of a community, and earning some extra money during the holidays really helps my family. So, this is the season for prepping and scrambling to finish artwork, organizing what is available, and getting a booth together. And then off I go to hawk my wares, just a little bit.